

CAMP has strong institutional capabilities and expertise in research, conflict analysis, and policy and programming issues relating to development and human rights etc. The organisation has conducted more than 40 research projects including qualitative and quantitative research studies across Pakistan’s four provinces: Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and in the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).hrough its research, CAMP has created strong linkages across Pakistan bringing added value to the breadth and range of skills available to deliver on projects and for evidence-based advocacy. Apart from programming and advocacy experience, the organisation inculcates participatory approaches to generate and collate information in an inclusive and gender-sensitive manner. Several baseline surveys and assessments have been conducted for the public as well as private sector, including the British High Commission, German Foreign Office, FATA Development Authority (FDA), the World Bank’s Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), etc.

  1. Baseline Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) on Irregular Migration, including Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and Smuggling of Migrants (SOM) (2023)

    The baseline study gathered a broad range of information on belief systems and values relating to international migration for employment, irregular migration, risks involved, as well as on how beliefs and values influence their decision making about regular or irregular migration options, and employment opportunities. The study was conducted in two districts, Sialkot in Punjab, and Quetta in Balochistan province.

     CAMP used a mixed methodology for the KAP study including a survey of 760 adult respondents, four Focus Group Discussions and ten Key Informant Interviews with communities, civil society organisations and government representatives. The study also reviewed existing and relevant literature. Results from the KAP study will be used by IOM Pakistan to “design awareness campaigns on TIP and SOM

2. Stakeholder Mapping: Civil Society Organisations and Actors in FATA (2018-2019)                                                                                                                 The baseline study gathered a broad range of information on belief systems and values relating to international migration for employment, irregular migration, risks involved, as well as on how beliefs and values influence their decision making about regular or irregular migration options, and employment opportunities. The study was conducted in two districts, Sialkot in Punjab, and Quetta in Balochistan province. CAMP used a mixed methodology for the KAP study including a survey of 760 adult respondents, four Focus Group Discussions and ten Key Informant Interviews with communities, civil society organisations and government representatives. The study also reviewed existing and relevant literature. Results from the KAP study will be used by IOM Pakistan to “design awareness campaigns on TIP and SOM

3.Research Study on Youth Migration from Pakistan (July – September 2017) The International Organization for Migration (IoM) commissioned CAMP to conduct a study on ‘youth migration’ in July 2017. The study aimed to gather diverse perceptions and aspirations of educated youth of all provinces of Pakistan, to provide a deeper insight on youth’s preferences under different and difficult circumstances that they live in, reasons for migration across all provinces, the perceived risks of migration journey, reasons for return, and their socio-economic motivation for migration, etc.The research methodology employed a variety of research tools including focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with youth. The geographical focus of the fieldwork for the study was nationwide, for Pakistan is a heterogeneous society with multiple ethnicities, class status and social structures. The study developed a deeper understanding of youth representing most, if not every, strata of Pakistani society

4.Women and the FATA Conflict: Unfulfilled Promises (2015)  The baseline study gathered a broad range of information on belief systems and values relating to international migration for employment, irregular migration, risks involved, as well as on how beliefs and values influence their decision making about regular or irregular migration options, and employment opportunities. The study was conducted in two districts, Sialkot in Punjab, and Quetta in Balochistan province. CAMP used a mixed methodology for the KAP study including a survey of 760 adult respondents, four Focus Group Discussions and ten Key Informant Interviews with communities, civil society organisations and government representatives. The study also reviewed existing and relevant literature. Results from the KAP study will be used by IOM Pakistan to “design awareness campaigns on TIP and SOM

5.Understanding Justice Systems: Opportunities and Possibilities for Legal Pluralism in Pakistan (2015)Based on the experience from previous studies under CAMP’s Rule of Law Programme in Pakistan project and demand generated through various advocacy events in Pakistan, CAMP undertook a mapping study of various forms of informal justice systems in Punjab, Sindh, and Baloch areas of Balochistan in 2014. Various government and non-governmental organisations have conducted research studies in the past. However, the data is either outdated and secondary or qualitative in nature and provides limited insight on the subject.Besides collecting a sample of 2,700 respondents from 12 districts in three provinces, the study includes extensive desk reviews and qualitative data from roundtables and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) that provide insight and knowledge on the research topic. The research report was published in 2015 and may be used as a reference for policy makers (public and private), academia, media, think tanks, and other entities, and for programming and formulation of policies addressing the root causes of violence and access to justice issues in Pakistan

6.Honour Crimes in Pakistan: Unveiling Reality and Perception (2014) CAMP compiled a comprehensive national level research by mapping the perceptions of local stakeholders on different forms of honour crimes and the role of informal justice systems in addressing these crimes in Pakistan through qualitative and quantitative data utilising various research tools. A desk review of available literature, a perception survey of 3,200 respondents, and consultations with stakeholders were organised in the form of a research report titled CAMP "Honour Crimes in Pakistan: Unveiling Reality and Perception". The report was published and made public through a national launch in Islamabad, in March 2014.

7.Understanding Justice Systems of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, FATA and Balochistan: The Pakhtun Perspective (2013)In 2012, CAMP’s study on the above was based on a perception survey of 2400 respondents [men and women] in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. Focus group discussions with 24 groups of men and women in 12 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan (eight and four groups respectively), and more than 100 interviews with Key Informants in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan were undertaken with various stakeholders. The final report was launched in 2013.The research study conducted under this component provides a comprehensive analysis of the Pakhtun people’s perception about justice systems in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, FATA and Balochistan. Since very little research has been done so far on Jirga, therefore, this study added to CAMP’s previous work on the Jirga system ‘Understanding Jirga: Legality and Legitimacy inPakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas’ and would serve as a guide as well as a reference document on Jirga for both national and international audience. This research study titled, ‘Understanding Justice Systems in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and FATA: The Pakhtun Perspective’, contains a detailed analysis of the perception of the local population and their understanding of the justice systems (formal and informal) in their region regarding their compliance to international human rights standards and the Fundamental Rights protected by the Constitution of Pakistan.

8.Media Usage in Selected Areas of KP (2012) CAMP and its sister organisation, Regional Research Policy Institute (RRPC), signed a contract with Internews Network, an international media agency, in late September 2012 to conduct a survey on audience media usage in selected areas of KP. Internews works to support conditions for stability and development in conflict-prone and other priority areas of Pakistan through the “Supporting Progressive Media Voices in Pakistan” program.The research for this project included designing and implementing a project on people’s information needs, media consumption in KP (Mardan, Peshawar and Charsadda) to provide reliable information on how people obtain information about local issues and events in the coverage areas of Radio Khyber, Radio Pakhtunkhwa Mardan and Radio Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar. The research also took into account what media sources people use to obtain information, what specific radio programmes are most popular for getting information, how listeners use and act on information, the credibility of electronic media sources, the credibility of government media, respondent information needs relative to government activities, issues and events, listener patterns and needs disaggregated by gender and age, respondent information needs relative to social issues and daily life, the quality and availability of radio programming, etc.

9.Data Collection for Baseline Development Indicators in Selected Districts and Agencies of KP & FATA (2012)Funded by World Bank (Multi Donor Trust Fund – MDTF), the assessment aimed to collectprimary data (qualitative and quantitative), and secondary data for Baseline Indicators from the conflict areas in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).To support the process, CAMP conducted a General Population Survey, Youth Survey and Survey of Private Firms and NGOs at the community level, using various methodologies. CAMP also gathered information from various government departments to identify the gaps in the existing system and services to serve as a tool to assess the following areas as specified in the World Bank (Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) Operationalization of the PCNA document, which primarily focuses on:

  • Improving local services and communities’ support
  • Growth and job creation
  • Policy Reforms and Governance Support

10.Third Party Result Reporting (TPRR) for Three MDTF Funded Projects (2012) CAMP signed a contract with the World Bank in July 2012, with the work commencing in August to verify and report on the results generated to date and carried out rapid evaluations of the above three MDTF-funded projects.In line with the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF’s) support for the Post Crisis Needs Assessment (PCNA’s) reconstruction and development strategy, the MDTF mobilized Third Party for Result Reporting (TPRR), to verify and report on the results generated and carry out rapid evaluations of specifically three MDTF funded projects that are currently under implementation in FATA and KP; The projects are the i) KP Emergency Roads Recovery Project (ERRP); ii) Economic Revitalization (ERKF) for KP and FATA; and, iii) the Governance Support Programme (GSP) for KP and FATA.

11.Understanding Jirga: Legality and Legitimacy in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (2011)

With financial support from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, and technical assistance from the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany, CAMP had initiated a seven-month research project titled ‘Rule of Law Programming in Pakistan’ in August 2010. Based on the recommendations of the preliminary research namely, Understanding Jirga: Legality and Legitimacy in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the Legal Environment in Pakistan for Registered Afghans, CAMP initiated the second phase of the project in May 2011, which comprised of a capacity building programme for key stakeholders, including Jirga members and tribal youth. Simultaneously, the project aimed to raise awareness and advocate reforms in the tribal Jirga system and developed a comprehensive training manual on ‘Reforming Jirga’, in English and Urdu languages. Based on this manual, 11 three-day training workshops were held for Jirgamaar/elders/members of the Jirga, traditional Qazis, tribal youth and women from FATA and in total, 393 people including 38 women from FATA were trained

12..Inter-Agency Early Recovery Needs Assessment in FATA (2011) In 2011, UNDP awarded this project to CAMP which involved a thorough review of the actual model of service delivery for IDPs and their families used by Ministry entities, UNDP-related organisations and other charitable or non-profit organisations from the regional and Agency level, down to community-based or similar self-help organisations that were in action in the three target agencies of FATA.

13.Understanding FATA: Attitudes towards Governance, Society & Religion in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Volumes I to V (2007-2012)

CAMP has, till date, produced five volumes of ‘Understanding FATA: Attitudes towards CAMP has, till date, produced five volumes of ‘Understanding FATA: Attitudes towards Governance, Society and Religion in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas”. CAMP started gathering qualitative and quantitative data since 2007 with financial support from the British High Commission. This research study was an attempt to understand the problems in FATA, especially considering the prevalent conflict and how its people have been affected by it. All volumes have received a tremendously encouraging response from all quarters since they all have been successfully circulated among stakeholders, both to national and international audiences.

14.Analysis of Jirga in Malakand division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (2011) In collaboration with Saferworld (UK-based NGO), CAMP conducted a study on Jirga in Malakand which aimed to identify gaps and analyse the role that this tribal justice mechanism plays in reconciling waring communities and groups in Malakand division and to provide recommendations on making jirga more accessible to all vulnerable groups, including women, and minorities. The study was financed by the European Union under its ‘Instrument for Instability’ section

15.Assessing the Legal Environment for Registered Afghans in Pakistan (2012) CAMP presented its report on the legal status and environment in Pakistan for registered Afghans living in the country in Islamabad on 27th January 2012. This report was also part of the Rule of Law Programming in Pakistan (Phases I & II), sponsored by the German Federal Foreign Office with legal and technical support from the Max Planck Institute of International Law and Public Law, Heidelberg, Germany. The report is based on a survey of 1500 registered Afghan citizens living in KP who were asked, amongst other things, about how they approached the Pakistani legal system, knowledge of their rights, and other things, to highlight their legal status and rights in the absence of governing ‘Refugee’ legislation and how domestic laws affect their legal rights as non-citizens living in Pakistan.

16.Understanding Jirga: Legality & Legitimacy in Pakistan’s Tribal Areas (2011) “Understanding Jirga: Legality and Legitimacy in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas” - the report details a written record of interviews with 1,500 common men and women of FATA – those who live under the umbrella of tribal justice. The report also contains a dispassionate analysis of the Tribal legal code and its ultimate manifestation – the Jirga – to accurately weigh associated pros and cons. The project was sponsored by the German Federal Foreign Office with technical support provided by the Max Planck Institute of International law and Public Law, Heidelberg, Germany.

17.Pakistan Grievances Matrix (FATA Opinion Poll 2010)  The New America Foundation funded a three-month project to conduct an opinion poll among FATA residents on various issues including politics, governance, religion, and social concerns. The survey was conducted in all seven agencies of FATA, where 1200 people were interviewed, including 200 Maliks. The project started in May 2010 and ended in July 2010.

18.Feasibility Study of Regulatory Regime for Industry, Commerce & Trade in FATA  FATA Development Authority approved CAMP’s bid for the above-mentioned project, which aimed at developing a comprehensive study with recommendations and infrastructure as to how the regulatory regime could be extended to FATA for Industry, Commerce and Trade. The project duration was for 8 months.

19.Employment Opportunities Baseline Survey – FR Bannu & FR DI Khan, FATA (2007) The one-month survey yielded the information about over 30,000 educated youth (13-30) in the survey universe, their levels of literacy/qualification, any employment experience and them willingness to be trained/educated in various disciplines. The survey also collected information about the illiterate population over the age of 30.

20.Livelihood Baseline Survey in FATA (2009) The FATA Secretariat conducted a Livelihood Baseline Survey to get a better understanding of the socio-economic living conditions of the people living in FATA. CAMP supported this initiative by conducting the socio-economic baseline survey in 50 villages of Jamrud Tehsil, Khyber Agency. Apart from household interviews, CAMP also interviewed village spokesmen (Maliks and other elders). The aim of this baseline survey was to deliver required high-quality data on the socio-economic situation of villages in the area; information gained is important for the design and planning of new projects as well as the monitoring and evaluation of already implemented project activities. CAMP contributed to the survey design and methodology, as well as the training of a team of enumerators. The Project started in November 2009 for a duration of 8 months.

21.Survey/Enumerations of Existing Industries, Service Sector Entities, and Labour Force & Identifying Constraints in FATA This survey collected data about existing service Industries, Service Sector entities, & Labour force & Identifying constraints in all seven agencies and six FRs on the identified parameters in the guidelines and TORs shared by the FATA Development Authority (FDA).

22.Charney Research FATA Opinion Polls 2008-09 Charney Research, a New York based research institution, awarded a survey to CAMP to interview 500 respondents in 7 Agencies of FATA on religion, governance, politics, and terrorism. The survey was completed in February 2009.

23.Data Collection of Government owned Middle and High Schools in FATA CAMP collected data in government owned middle and high schools (girls and boys), through 4 different structured questionnaires, in Bajaur, Mohmand, Khyber and Kurram agencies of FATA of Pakistan for ED Links. ED Links is a USAID funded project.

24.Radio Spot Pre-testing in FATA (2008) This study aimed to pre-test ten radio spots geared towards parents of children under age five in FATA, under the program’s hygiene promotion behaviour change communication campaign. The survey was conducted in Bajaur, Mohmand, and Khyber agencies of FATA and was contracted by Pakistan Safe Drinking Water and Hygiene Promotion Project (PSDW – HPP), a USAID funded project. The project was managed by AED.

25.Socio-Economic Survey of Landmine Survivors in FATA (2006)

In addition to the 4.9 percent of naturally occurring and accidental disabilities in Pakistan (Human Development Centre Report 1999), landmines are yet another problem, which is continuously adding to the number of casualties. Landmines not only cause disabilities but also have long term multiple negative impacts on the families as well as on the society. In a society riddled with taboos relating to disability, they tend to become a burden on their families and society and an alarming number of them end up on the streets, begging for survival. To respond to the needs of the landmine survivors in a more pragmatic way, CAMP undertook a comprehensive socio-economic survey of landmine survivors in the tribal areas of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan. The survey was sponsored by IDEALS, a UK-based charitable organisation.

26.Analysis of Afghan Refugees’ Sources of Information in Pakistani Camps and Settlements (2006)

This research study helped to unveil some very interesting facts about Afghan refugees and their way of life in designated refugee camps and settled areas of Pakistan. The scope of the study included a full demographic profile, ethnic and sub-ethnic data, as well as data on sex, age groups, income, and sources of information. The study included the entire population of Afghan refugees residing in urban and rural camps and settlements in the vicinity of KP and Balochistan.

27.Assessment of Government owned Primary Schools (Boys & Girls) in Mohmand and Khyber Agencies of FATA (2005)

In 2005 and 2007, CAMP successfully implemented projects in the education sector with an imperative guiding principle that education sector problems can be lessened with the rehabilitation and improvement in the existing educational physical infrastructure. The projects provided a comprehensive assessment of the condition of schools in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). During these surveys, 50 schools in Mohmand Agency and 59 in Khyber Agency were surveyed using a structured questionnaire. The survey was a part of schools’ rehabilitation program funded by Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) of CIDA.

28.Opinion Survey on Arms Trade Treaty in Pakistan (2007)

In 2007, CAMP conducted an opinion survey in Pakistan to approach the general perceptions of the people pertaining to the situation of small arms and security in the country. The opinion survey was carried out in four cities representing the four provinces, i.e. Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi, and Quetta. A hundred respondents each were interviewed in these cities. The survey was awarded by International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), a UK based international network.

29.Opinion Survey of Security in Peshawar (2005)

In 2005, CAMP conducted a limited scope opinion survey in Peshawar on the security situation. Around 100 respondents were interviewed. The survey was sponsored by Saferworld, a UK-based NGO.

30. Research Study on the Institutionalisation of Community Organisations in Districts of Upper & Lower Dir, Malakand (2005)

In March 2005, CAMP conducted a three-month comprehensive study titled “Institutionalisation of Community Organisations” for Dir Area Support Project (DASP), a joint project of the KP government and UNIFAD. The purpose of the study was to assess the Community Development Section of DASP to formulate a Strategic Framework, a Phasing-out Plan so that the local community could take the ownership of the project, and to design a Future Plan of Action for the apex community body.

31.Landmine Monitor Reports 2005-2012

Landmine Monitor Report is the unprecedented project of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), the co-winner of 1997 Nobel Peace Laureate to date in Pakistan. CAMP became the Primary Landmine Monitor Researcher for ICBL’s Pakistan chapter since 2005 and has been providing annual research reports to Landmine Monitor. The research was spread over FATA, KP, Kashmir and Balochistan. CAMP conducted field research as well as kept a regular update on key developments at policy level, developed a landmine casualty database, area specific problem analysis, documented government responses to the landmine victims/survivors, government disability policies, mine action, mine risk education, and survivors’ assistance, etc.

32. Situational Analysis of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) & Impact on Security

According to some estimates, there are 18 million small arms in Pakistan, circulating informally in civilian hands. As the national campaigner against the use of small arms, CAMP published, in February 2005, a comprehensive research report on small arms titled “Situation Analysis of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and its Impact on Security”. The research report consisted of primary and secondary data. This research was sponsored by regional South Asia Small Arms Network (SASA-Net) and Safer World UK.